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Elementary School

The Wood Acres Elementary curriculum focuses on the foundations of reading and mathematics in Kindergarten and builds upon them through fourth grade. Additional integrated learning experiences in science and social studies and specialty areas such as Spanish, art, music, technology, STEM and STEAM are also a focus during these grades.

Wood Acres Elementary School focuses on establishing the building blocks of learning and developing the skills necessary to construct meaning from these blocks. Our emphasis on mastery learning, accelerated curriculum, and integration of content areas creates the strongest foundation on which to build a meaningful lasting education for each student.


With the gift of a strong early childhood foundation, parents must then choose the best start for their child’s academic career with the pivotal kindergarten year. The choice of private or public elementary school education is always challenging and understanding the differences is crucial.

The Wood Acres Kindergarten program couples an accelerated academic curriculum with a broad array of specials to promote academic, creative, social, linguistic, and physical development. The magic of Wood Acres Kindergarten is the unique combination of teaching talent, research based curriculum, strong emphasis on academics and learning, as well as small class size. Each of these pieces come together at Wood Acres to create an unparalleled learning environment where each student is challenged to do his/her best and celebrate the magic of learning a new skill, a first tooth falling out, a family addition, a birthday, a holiday, a snowflake, or the 100th day of school. Wood Acres is the place to be for Kindergarten!

First Grade

First Grade is a tremendous step for students and parents alike. The Wood Acres School offers students an environment where they are encouraged to be inquisitive, challenged to do their best and understand that learning happens not only in school but all around them. The benefit of Wood Acres for parents is the unique combination of seasoned teaching talent, research based curriculum tied to national standards, strong emphasis on academics and learning as well as small class size. Each of these pieces comes together at Wood Acres to create an unparalleled learning environment where each student experiments, creates, invents, composes, questions, interprets, and so much more. For academics + arts, experiments + experience, and small class size + individual attention, Wood Acres is the perfect place for your First Grader.

Second Grade

During this pivotal year during which students are challenged to explain how they know what they know (metacognition) as well as take on responsibility for their own work. The Wood Acres School gives students in Second Grade an environment where they are encouraged to be inquisitive, challenged to do their best and understand that learning happens not only in school but all around them. The value of Wood Acres for parents is the unique combination of seasoned teaching talent, research based curriculum tied to national standards, strong emphasis on academics and learning, as well as small class size. Each of these pieces come together at Wood Acres to create an unparalleled learning environment where each student experiments, creates, invents, composes, questions, interprets and so much more. For academics + arts, experiments + experience, and small class size + individual attention, Wood Acres is the perfect place for Second Grade.

Third Grade

Third grade is the pivotal year when students take their knowledge of reading and apply it to longer texts and throughout all aspects of the curriculum. Math learning is equally important as timed math facts quizzes develop into multi-step word problems, and keeping up with it all perceptibly shifts from a sole parental task to optimal child/parent teamwork. Curriculum is richer, learning is deeper, homework is more involved, and education reaches a wonderful level of fulfillment for the engaged learner. Science continues to challenge and excite in a lab setting; history and geography embrace unique places in the world as well as the more familiar territory of our own United States; budding personal organizational skills include time management practice, desk checks, and honoring homework time at home. Third grade is special, but it is spectacular at Wood Acres!

Fourth Grade

Buoyed by solid success in Wood Acres third grade, fourth graders reap the many academic and social benefits of a curriculum that reinforces prior knowledge, stretches their thinking, and invites and excites them to explore new areas of learning. Fourth graders are both resilient learners ready to apply all the skills of a well designed Grammar School program and tenuous about their own budding confidence in making decisions for themselves and managing their time effectively. Laptops are used to help students engage purposefully with curriculum and students are able to apply their learning outside the classroom with their first optional overnight in the spring.

Fifth Grade

What begins at the end and ends at the beginning? That would be the exciting transitional fifth grade year at Wood Acres. The first few months of the fifth grade serve as the capstone learning experience for the Grammar School, while the last few months begin to introduce the experiences of ending in the spring with the beginning experiences of the Upper School in terms of both academics and school community activities. This pivotal year is enhanced with a strong, well-researched curriculum, superior teaching techniques, and activities geared to both support and challenge stretch the fifth grade student including a class on leadership. Students will experience some departmentalization of curriculum content areas while having the security of a home base teacher who instructs them in the core curriculum as well. Laptops are also utilized to enhance the curriculum. Fifth graders also participate in an optional overnight field trip.